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My name is Olga Kalitá

I am fully qualified to help you learn foreign languages.

Language Coaching sessions are designed for those who need progress and firm results. Your dream is more achievable than you think.

The language coaching approach is applicable to ANY FOREIGN LANGUAGE you need to learn.

The sessions are available in English and Russian.

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Language Coaching Sessions

What is Language Coaching?

Language coaching is not language teaching or training.

If you are acquainted with the concept of coaching (life coaching, business coaching, etc.), you can bravely apply the same concept to language learning.

If you can not readily say that you are acquainted with the concept of coaching, you might find this YouTube playlist very useful.

How does Language Coaching work?

In our intensive coaching sessions we talk about your language journey. I ask questions, you answer and reflect. Between sessions you learn more of the language then come back to ask and answer more questions.

Reflection on your experience, your present situation and planning your next steps gives you control over what is happening with you and your language skills on your language journey. 

How is Language Coaching organised?

Step 1. We meet for a chemistry call to check if we can help each other.

Steps 2. We have our first session from which we see the pace we are ready to go at and the frequency of sessions that would be most optimal for the case.

Step 3-n. We meet until you feel you have achieved your initial goal.  

Image by José M. Reyes
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